Tuesday, May 29, 2012

calm before the storm...not really

shorts c/o Conversation Pieces

Getting ready for this trip has been an interesting experience. Aside from the occasional melt downs, I've come to learn that it's very difficult to pack a month of your life into a suitcase. What?! You're saying I can only bring less than 20 pounds in luggage? My heels weigh at least a pound. Each. and don't get me started on maxi dresses. It is then that I realize just how difficult this is going to be.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

‘As Bad As I Guana Be’ nails…

A pair of black court shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: pu court shoes, black court shoes, nice court shoes, fashion court shoes, etc.

emmamulhollandedited1emma mulhlland iguana nails 1emmamulholland2emma mulholland & screenshotemmamulholland3emma mulholland gila nails 1emmamulholland4emma mulholland & IGUANA1
Did your head just explode after seeing all those prints?! Amazing aren’t they?! I think you will find the answer to both of those questions is YES! Emma Mulholland has done it again, only this time, with lizards. Keeping with the Aussie theme, it’s surfer, meets basketball meets, reptile with this collection. I love the tie dye, the mesh, the sporty theme, the sequins, the everything! I still can’t decide which print I like the most Gila or Iguana? & How awesome is it that all the pieces look so wearable & interchangeable?! I can just imagine wearing the Iguana swimsuit when me & the boy go on our surfing trip this summer & I need to get my hands on one of those caps! I can’t wait for this collection to hit the store!

When Emma got in touch with me after she saw my ‘tropical rebel’ nails I was ecstatic! & when she asked me to paint up some more nails for ‘As Bas As I Guana Be’ I literally fell off my chair, I read her email through at least five times just to make sure it was real ahahha! Anyway, these are the nails I came up with in the end, one wheel for the iguanas & one for the gila monsters, what do you think? Even though they didn’t make it to Aus in time to be shot in her lookbook & short fashion film, which was showcased at the Grand Social as part of Sydney fashion week, in the end (gutted isn’t the word >.< damn air mail) I am still proud to have been given the awesome opportunity to work with such a fab designer. Seriously Emma, you are amazingly talented, keep up the awesome work!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some things just stick in your mind

Co roku pod koniec wiosny, albo na samym początku lata, w każdym razie na pewno przed moimi urodzinami w lipcu, kupuję białą letnią sukienkę. Stało się to już moją coroczną tradycją, nie jestem pewna czy bez tego zakupu lato w ogóle by się odbyło. Większość z nich nie przetrwała chodzenia po chaszczach, jeżdżenia na rowerze, moczenia w słonej wodzie i innych tego typu aktywności, ale niektóre mają się dobrze i chodzę w nich także w chłodniejszych częściach roku- na przykład w tej z krótkim rękawem z Mango.

Every single year at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer, surely before my birthday in July, I buy a perfect white summer dress. It's became my little tradition, I'm not even sure if summer could come without it. Most of my PSD (perfect summer dresses) didn't survive cycling, running in the woods, swimming in salty water, but some of them did and I wear them in the colder parts of year too- like this short sleeved one from Mango.

Tegorocznej sukienki tak naprawdę wcale nie kupiłam- miałam do wykorzystania bon prezentowy do Zary. Pierwotnie chciałam go wydać na rzeczy, które upatrzyłam sobie wcześniej w sklepie internetowym, po przymierzeniu okazało się jednak, że żadna z nich nie leży na mnie dobrze. Białą falbaniastą sukienkę zauważyłam trochę przypadkowo- wisiała pomiędzy innymi jasnymi rzeczami, w dodatku na wieszaku prezentowała się kiepsko. Cieszę się, że z jakiegoś powodu postanowiłam ją jednak przymierzyć, bo okazała się jednym z tych ubrań, które trzeba założyć, żeby zobaczyć ich urok. Teraz widzę, że muszę skrócić trochę ramiączka, ale jak tylko to zrobię, spokojnie mogę mianować ją Białą Sukienką Idealną na Lato 2012.

To be honest, I haven't bought this year's white dress- I had a Zara gif card to spend. First I wanted to spend it on few nice things I've noticed on their website, but none of them were looking good on me. And then I've noticed this frilly, girly dress quite accidentally- it was hidden between other bright clothes and it didn't even look nice on the hanger. I'm really happy that I've decided to try it on for some reason- it appeared to be one of those pieces, which you have to wear to see how cute they are. Now I see that I have to shorten the straps, but after I do this, I will be definitely able to call it a Perfect Summer Dress for 2012.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pink Box a ajuns!

Acum am primit Pink Box si sunt foarte incantata de ea! In primul rand, cutia m-a fermecat! Stiti deja ca mie imi place rozul fuchsia foarte mult, asa ca Pink Box este noua mea cutie de depozitat lucrurile micute, mai ales pentru ca este realizata dintr-un carton gros, calitativ. As comanda Pink Box in fiecare luna numai pentru cutie, deoarece am atat de multe lucruri de depozitat intr-o astfel de cutie: carti de vizita, nasturi, oje, martisoare, cabluri si fire etc.

Cartonasele de prezentare sunt folositoare, iar scrisorica este foarte draguta. Am vazut ca sunt cateva produse din Pink Box disponibile in shop-ul eva, ceea ce este foarte practic pentru noi.

Atat despre interior, acum sa va spun si ce am primit eu in Pink Box:
  • 2 produse full size: Color Shadow Il Makiage, Crema de corp Thai Spa
  • 3 produse mini: Pasta de dinti Himalaya, Sampon Keune, Drying Mask de la Mario Badescu
  • Cadouri: Voucher Gett’s, cartela Vodafone

Sunt incantata de produse. Am facut un calcul aproximativ si am observat ca ele valoreaza minim 180 Lei, adica de 4 ori mai mult decat am platit pentru Pink Box. Nu am apucat sa le incerc pe toate, insa mi-au placut cele pe care le-am testat. Fardul are o culoare frumoasa si cred ca il voi folosi mai mult ca eyeliner.
Cam atat despre Pink Box-ul meu, astept sa citesc si parerile voastre! Sunt curioasa sa aflu ce produse ati primit!
Dupa impresia pe care mi-a lasat-o Pink Box-ul din luna mai, sunt hotarata sa comand si luna viitoare! Oricum, am nevoie de cutii pentru a-mi organiza vesnica dezordine din camera!

Friday, May 11, 2012

DIY - Leopard Shorts

Pantyhose from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite pantyhose at street fashion pantyhose store by choosing from a large collection of high street fashion picks, enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP. A pair of black court shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: pu court shoes, black court shoes, nice court shoes, fashion court shoes, etc.

As promised, here is the tutorial for the leopard shorts I was wearing on a previous post! This is specially for you darlings who replied and showed your interest. =) 

This DIY isn't difficult at all, and you can be sure it has been done by many others already. But I hope you find this useful and understand my instruction. Feel free to ask me anytime though, in case you don't. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

OUTFIT ║ It sucks to be honest, and it hurts to be real

Heels: Forever21, Dress: Zara.

Confession of the day: I didn't wore these heels the entire day. I actually only wore them for the pictures. In real life I wore cute cream-colored ballerinas.

Today I overslept. Well actually I woke up when my alarm rang, but it rang at 10 O'clock. While my train left at 8... I must have changed my alarm while I slept or something. Strangeeeeee!
So at 10 O'clock I woke up, wondering how come it was such a bright day already (in my mind it was still half past 6 or something...), then shocked, almost got an heartattack and looked at the messages on my phone. Well after realizing I couldn't make it to both of the lectures, I stept out of bed and started my day haha (: 

I think my dad thinks it's a mission impossible to make a proper picture of my whole outfit. Or, maybe I made it impossible. Yeah that's probably it...

This dress is actually way too big for me, it's secondhand from a friend of my aunt, who wanted to give it to charity, but since I'm just a poor student, I think I'm pretty equal to a charity, so I rescued it and I was able to keep it. Putted a simple belt and tadaaa! My brother doesn't like it, but that didn't stop me from wearing it of course!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Scarf print and chains

A pair of pu court shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: pu court shoes, black court shoes, nice court shoes, fashion court shoes, etc. Sexy Shorts from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite Sexy Shorts at street fashion store by choosing from a large collection of high street fashion picks, enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

I can't tell for how long this printed shirt is waiting to be worn in my closet, so the first time the temperature has allowed me I took the opportunity! I really like this scarf print trend, I think is very classy and chic, do you agree?

A special fashionable touch in this outfit is given by my new chain necklace and bracelet from Taro collection, lovely don't you think?

Non saprei dirvi da quanto questa camicia stampata sta aspettando di essere indossata nel mio armadio, così la prima volta che la temperatura me lo ha permesso ho colto l'opportunità! Mi piace davvero questo trend della fantasia dei foulard, credo che sia davvero di classe e chic, siete d'accordo?
Uno speciale tocco in questo outfit è dato dalla mia nuova collana e dal nuovo bracciale entrambi a catena, di Taro collection, adorabili non credete?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Outfits | April's outfits

A pair of fashion court shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: pu court shoes, black court shoes, nice court shoes, fashion court shoes, etc. Find the latest women's high street fashion hair accessories online with Oasap, shop for women's high street fashion hair accessories, headbands at Oasap high street fashion store.

Not dressed for the weather. These are the looks I showed you during this month... And in very few I am dressed for the dreadfull weather that has been bugging us here is Lisbon! That has mainly to do with my craving for Summer... So please, let May be sunny and warm! Do you have any favourites? Let me know!

Desconforme do tempo. Estes foram os conjuntos que vos mostrei este mês... E em (quase) nenhum estou vestida decentemente para o tempo horrível que nos tem andado a chatear aqui por Lisboa! Isso deve-se maioritariamente ao meu gosto por dias quentes e solarengos... Espero que Maio seja melhor! Têm algum favorito? Digam-me nos comentários!